Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The Black Manifesto

Africa needs you. No it doesn’t:

As a First World citizen, you have tremendous power. What platitudes you choose to buy or not buy can change your life and your conception of the self. What you cannot do, though, is bring social change to Africa.

For Africa:

Social change is not an agenda that you can set;
Social change is not an ideology you can impose;
Social change is all the little things you do to take yourselves and others closer to a decent human reality.

Social change is not about wishing the best for Them, it is about making the best of yourself and letting Africans draw inspiration from you.
Social change is not travelling halfway around the world to dig a well, it is pausing first to ask the African: ‘But what do you need to solve your water problems?’
Social change is not about making decisions for Them, it is about making a conscious decision to let Africans make up their minds, define their hopes and dreams and then allowing them access to the tools that will help turn their dreams into reality.
Social change is not about what you do for Them.

Social change is about what you do for you.

Social change is not about going to right the wrongs in Africa.
Social change is about changing what your government does in Africa. And if you cannot, changing your government.

Social change is not about the globe-trotting do-gooders- degrade their noise.
Social change is not about switching to Black, but we urge you to switch anyway.
Get Black because you, unlike the impoverished millions in Africa, have the right to choose.

Black is the new Red.

I invite you to join me and others at The Black Campaign, today.